Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Beautifully Crafted Charcuterie Boards


This article is explaining about the charcuterie boards which are specifically made from Michigan Black Walnut. The best parts about this board are that they are handmade. This Live edge charcuterie boards are finished o both the sides along with the rubber feet on the bottom to give the firm grip to the board. These boards are one of their kind especially due to the Michigan walnuts this item cannot be replicated. These boards are best to give out as a gift and it comes in a lot of variety like cheese board or cutting board or beautiful serving tray. Such board gives a different look to any counter top. The stylish and elegant live edge charcuterie board tend to give a warm rustic to any part of your home and is highly durable. They ensure to fill the cracks and void with epoxy to bring out the natural beauty of the piece. And the finishing is certainly done by the custom wood balm. All the woods are milled from the local trees in Michigan.

These live boards are the best gift to give as it adds the personal touch with it. There are some really elegant Cheese Board sets that look perfect in all forms. If the board isn’t something you are looking for then you will agree that the essentials of the kitchen are absolutely necessary for entertainment and hosting any party. One can present the perfect platter which can be gifted at any occasion. And nowadays the customized engraving is getting popular so you can always your special finish as you like it. The wooden cutting boards are great to present at holidays, birthdays or dinner parties or thanksgiving. You can display those moth waveringly delicious nuts, breads and cheese. One can also gift the wooden cutting board which is much more than that it houses within itself a secret drawer that swings and reveals four stainless steel cheese tools. 

These cheese tools are best for serving so it is a complete package board with knives. Who won’t love it? They are the gift that will always be close to everyone hearts.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

The Royal Charcuterie Boards

Have you introduced yourself with the charcuterie boards yet? Well, if you are about to go a purchase a chopping board for your special meat and poultry, you will soon come to know about them in any specialty store. At one look, you would find it is a modern version of the traditional cheese board. A charcuterie board can be a board for meat and cheese both but it will depend upon where and for what you want to use that.
The board will allow you to prepare different meals in one go and serve them altogether on it. you can include everything on the board to ensure that all your guests are happily enjoying their tastes and preferences. If you are looking for a custom charcuterie boards in your neighborhood, you can reach out to us anytime. All our boards are crafted with precision and we can ensure that the boards are going to last you very long.

So, what are you waiting for? Prepare meals like duck, goose, chicken, cheese, toast, variety of fruits and place it on a plush board to please your guests. For the rest, we are here with our exclusive range of charcuterie boards to enhance the feel of your gathering.

Reach out to us today and witness your guests indulge in the finest craftsmanship of our charcuterie board.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Walnut Cutting Boards Vs Maple Cutting Boards – What Are Better?

Monogrammed cutting board are popular on two materials – maple or walnut wood. The question is, whether one should go for walnut wood or maple wood? We have a wood for everyone and this blog will explain the differences and similarities between the two varieties and help you take a decision.

Let us start by saying that both of them are great. Maple and walnut both have their features and they both are welcome in every household. The common thing about both of these woods are that they are American wood and they are American made as well. These woods are not only sourced from the American woods but they are also carved in places like Georgia and Atlanta. The maple and walnut cutting boards are carved from hardwood and they are perfect for your kitchen use. They are non-porous but they are still not so hard that they dull the knives while cutting. 

The maple and walnut boards enjoy some of their own advantages. Maple for example is cheaper than walnut but provide the same quality. The laser engraving you do looks good and crystal clear on maple. If you have a bold statement to say, maple should be the right choice. 

On the other hand, the walnut wood takes the flag when it comes to presentation. Walnut is dark, bold and beautiful. It is oiled to create premium oiled boards. The most popular of them are the Black Walnut charcuterie boards.