Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Walnut Cutting Boards Vs Maple Cutting Boards – What Are Better?

Monogrammed cutting board are popular on two materials – maple or walnut wood. The question is, whether one should go for walnut wood or maple wood? We have a wood for everyone and this blog will explain the differences and similarities between the two varieties and help you take a decision.

Let us start by saying that both of them are great. Maple and walnut both have their features and they both are welcome in every household. The common thing about both of these woods are that they are American wood and they are American made as well. These woods are not only sourced from the American woods but they are also carved in places like Georgia and Atlanta. The maple and walnut cutting boards are carved from hardwood and they are perfect for your kitchen use. They are non-porous but they are still not so hard that they dull the knives while cutting. 

The maple and walnut boards enjoy some of their own advantages. Maple for example is cheaper than walnut but provide the same quality. The laser engraving you do looks good and crystal clear on maple. If you have a bold statement to say, maple should be the right choice. 

On the other hand, the walnut wood takes the flag when it comes to presentation. Walnut is dark, bold and beautiful. It is oiled to create premium oiled boards. The most popular of them are the Black Walnut charcuterie boards.